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So I’m about a week behind right now with some of the pictures I wanted to share, but I didn’t want to forget these one. A little over a week ago Nadja made me some dinner at her sisters house. She was watching her niece while her sister and her husband were away in Champagne, France.

It was a change of pace because we had their apartment for a couple days which meant we had the chance to cook a little bit. Before we went to their version of what we have in Colorado know as the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (I’ll get to that in a minute) she made me this incredible Delicious pasta dish for lunch and I was in heaven! Well my tummy was so I shot a couple of pictures which do the meal no justice however they’re better than nothing. I’m not quite sure how she cooked it but I know she fried some bacon and I believe there was also garlic inside plus some cream and cheese! Oh I must not forget the cherry tomatoes which are my favorite and then just a touch of love made it exactly what I never knew I always wanted. 🙂 Needless to say I loved it.


After lunch we went to the museum and watched this awesome IMAX movie on this rounded screen while on chairs that leaned toward the sky! It was amazing although it was of course in Swedish so I understood maybe half of it. Haha well maybe not even half but oh well. Check out some more of the pics I took that day. 🙂



